Since our founding in 1970 we’ve completed thousands of searches, helping our clients achieve growth, succeed in new markets and accomplish their corporate objectives by identifying, evaluating and attracting the most talented professionals in the industry.
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Member, Board of Directors Industrial
Member, Board of Directors Industrial
We helped a real estate firm add a board member with strong financial talent as it prepared to undertake a major business transformation.
We assisted an industrial real estate investment and development platform with its C-Suite succession plan by recruiting a senior executive to oversee finance and accounting.
We placed the senior development executive with a privately-held real estate firm specializing in the development, management and long-term ownership of industrial properties nationwide.
We worked with a major private industrial real estate companies to help hire an executive to oversee leasing for a multi-market logistics/industrial portfolio.
We helped a regional industrial real estate firm expand the geographic range of its portfolio by recruiting an investment professional to find opportunities in new markets.
We assisted one of the largest private industrial real estate companies in the US hire a development and construction professional for its West Coast projects.
We helped one of the top industrial/logistics real estate companies in the US hire an acquisitions executive to join the team responsible for building a major regional portfolio.
We helped a best-in-class industrial real estate platform hire a senior executive to oversee development in one of the major e-commerce, logistics and distribution markets in the US.
We helped the IOS platform of a private equity investment firm hire an executive to oversee the construction of industrial service faciilities within its portfolio.
We helped one of world's largest industrial real estate companies recruit two executives responsible for managing both the debt and equity funding process for acquisition and development deals.
We worked with one of the largest industrial real estate companies in the world to help hire an acquisitions executive to grow the firm's Midwestern US portfolio.