News & Insights


SCI Announces Search for a Chief Financial Officer - Homebuilding

cfo hb the role will be responsible for leading the strategic financial operations of the company and overseeing/mentoring the accounting staff.

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SCI Announces Search for a Division President - Homebuilding

div pres hb SCI is very excited to announce that we have been retained by a major Florida-based real estate developer to recruit an executive to start up and run a new homebuilding platform.

The company has strong land positions already under its control, an existing staff, and tremendous acce...

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SCI Announces Search for a Vice President of Investments - Industrial/IOS

vp inv ind The role will lead acquisitions activities in multiple markets across the country.

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SCI Announces Search for a Vice President of Asset Management - Industrial Real Estate

vp am ind

The position will oversee a portfolio of institutional-grade industrial real estate and help manage relationships with a sophisticated investor base.

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SCI Announces Searches for Vice Presidents of Acquisitions - Multifamily

vp acq mf The positions will be responsible for the successful acquisition of value-add multifamily properties in the Southeast and Southwest regions. 

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